zip file extractor, but please refer down below to the software section for a. zip file problem) If you downloaded the zip one, you need to find the file called conf containing two xml documents, whose names need to be changed to 動作 and 行動 If your shimeji isn't working, try some of these problem solvers: Then, in the img folder under shimeji-ee, create a folder with the name of the character, and paste the images in that folder. In Shimeji-ee, when you download the shimeji, take the images from the img folder and copy them. If you find a link that doesn't work or has been deleted, please tell me, please. I own none of these, and all due credit to the respected owners and creators. IF I WANTED TO FIND A SEBASTIAN SHIMEJI, FOR EXAMPLE, I WOULD NOTE WHEN I CLICKED THE LINK THAT THE CREATOR WAS 'EVILACORN.' THEN, IN DEVIANTART'S SEARCH BOX, I WOULD SEARCH 'SEBASTIAN SHIMEJI' AND LOOK FOR ONE MADE BY EVILACORN. IN ORDER TO GET TO THE SHIMEJI, LOOK IN THE LINK ADDRESS YOU CLICKED, AND NOTE THE CREATOR'S DEVIANTART NAME- THEN GO TO DEVIANTART'S SEARCH BOX AND TYPE IN THE NAME OF THE SHIMEJI YOU WISH TO FIND, AND TRY TO FIND THAT CREATOR'S NAME. WHEN YOU CLICK A LINK AND SEE A 'NOT FOUND' PAGE, IT WAS NOT TAKEN DOWN. IF THE LINK IS A DEVIANTART LINK, CHANCES ARE IT WILL NOT WORK! I AM IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING THEM BECAUSE DEVIANTART CHANGED THE WAY IT LINKS PAGES.